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Infant Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism welcomes a newborn into the Catholic Church, this Sacrament is the doorway to the Christian life and to all the other Sacraments. As such, preparation of the parents and for the Baptism itself deserve very special attention. Baptisms are scheduled one Sunday a month, usually the first Sunday of each month at approximately 12:00 PM following the 10:30 AM Mass. In coordination with the parish priest,  a more suitable day and time for the celebration of the sacrament could be arranged. Everyone is welcome.

Upcoming dates:
December 3rd, 2023 & January 7th, 2024.

Certicate of Eligibility
Church requirements
Baptism preparation

Baptism Preparation Session

A Baptism Preparation Session, usually takes place on the third Friday of each month in anticipation of the celebration of the Sacrament.

The class takes place in the parish office, from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM.


A certificate of completion can be emailed to you if the baptism is scheduled elsewhere.


Upcoming sessions:
December 15th, 2023; January 19th, 2024


Parents  must participate in a Baptism Preparation Session. Please call the Parish Office at 215–735-0600 to register, or email Provide the names of the people who will attend the session, your phone number and email. 

Church Requirements


           - If you are not a member of our parish, you need to obtain a letter of permission from your parish church acknowledging that your child is to be baptized here.


             Parents must participate in a Baptism Preparation Session, preferably at our Parish, OR if unable, at another Catholic parish prior to the Baptism. Once the Baptism is scheduled, the certificate of completion must be mailed or emailed to the Parish Office:


            - Please note: Please write on the certificate the baby’s FULL NAME, and that you are requesting Infant Baptism for him/her. Send your request to: Saint Charles Borromeo Office, 902 S. 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146 or email to



The role of the Godparents for children (Godfather and/or Godmother), is to shadow the parents, therefore the parent may not be the Godparent. Therefore, there may only be one female and/or one male in that role who are fully initiated, practicing Catholics.  This means that they have been Baptized, Confirmed and have received their First Holy Communion. Two Godparents of the same sex are not permitted. This role is more than ceremonial. Godparents and sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation are witnesses to the Faith of the Church celebrated in these Sacraments of Christian Initiation. Living, sharing, modeling and mentoring the same Faith of the Church is at the heart of the role of Godparents and Sponsors. This is the reason why today as throughout the history of the Church the role of Godparents and Sponsors has been taken most seriously. So, the first consideration when making the choice for a Godparent and/or Sponsor centers on the Faith and a relationship between believers.


As a minimum the Church requires that Godparents and Sponsors be at least sixteen years of age, and, if married, that they are married in the Church. Catholics married outside the Church, or Catholics who choose to cohabitate outside of the Sacrament of Marriage are not permitted to be Godparents due to their irregular lifestyle. It is most necessary that the person is living and practicing the Faith, is a Catholic in good standing, that is, living the Gospel message in their daily personal lives. They should practice the faith regularly especially by regular participation in Mass, and reception of the sacraments of Penance and the Holy Eucharist.


Godparents must request a Letter of Eligibility from their parish and it must be mailed or emailed to the Parish Office prior to the Baptism. This letter usually follows a meeting with a priest who talks with the intended candidate about how they practice their Catholic Faith. It is then signed and becomes an official document needed for Baptism or Confirmation.


A Christian of another denomination may not serve as a godparent, but may stand as a WITNESS, only. A Christian Witness is a validly baptized non-Catholic who practices their faith in Christ in a visible and sincere manner.


  • Godparents must request a letter of eligibility from their parish and it must be mailed or emailed to the Parish Office prior to the Baptism.  WE NEED TO KNOW THE BABY’S FULL NAME AND THAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR INFANT BAPTISM FOR HIM/HER. 


Certificate/Letter of Eligibility for Saint Charles Borromeo Parishioners

When a parishioners request a statement of eligibility to serve as a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation, the parish priests will contact them to determine eligibility. A parishioner is a person who has officially registered by filling out our parish Registration Form with the parish priest. Those who register should have the intention to attend Mass at our Parish on a regular basis.


Christian Initiation of Adults


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) begins each September. It is for adults who have never been baptized, were baptized in another Christian religion and now wish to explore becoming Catholic, and for those who were baptized Catholic but never made their First Communion and Confirmation.


Anyone who is interested should contact the Parish Office at 215-735-0600 OR email:


Sacrament of baptism
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